I went Greyhound from New York to Portland Maine via Boston, nearly booked my car for Portland Oregon, that would have been a turn up. Picked up my car, a red ford focus and the Tom Tom wouldn't work, the lighter fuse was blown, so had to change to a Cruiser (looks funky but!!!!). This is Portland at sunset, my first view of the Maine coast.

Travelled inland to Bangor, quicker to go one way on the toll way. I stayed the night at a vegetrian B&B, next morning I left for Calais, they say it Callus, on the border with Canada, If you are ever driving in Maine, forget the speed signs and just follow the car in front, if you can keep up.

I travelled down to the coast passing the 45Latitude, and St Croix island which had the first French settlement, they made a bad mistake settling on the island because when winter came the water froze and half of them died from disease and starvation.

I spent the night in Lubec and visited the Quoddy lighthouse, the most easterly point in the USA and then found the reverse falls near Pembroke, the water coming in from the ocean creates this wave over rocks under the waater and is very noisy as well, when the tide if fully in (or out) and the water level is even, the noise stops and the water is still, its quite a sight and then the water starts to flow in the reverse and the noise starts again,

If you look at a map of the Maine coast it is all inlets and islands, This is the Schoodic peninsular which has an amazing scenic drive, The fog was just starting to come in as I started the drive, a precursor to Hanna, more about that next blog,

the rocks at the end point are pink granite with black strips from lava, there are dozens of seagulls (as evidence the white spots on the rocks) the fog meant the view of the Atlantic ocean was limited but I did get a few shots.