more Kyoto
It was time for the family to get on their bikes, C&A had battery powered bikes courtesy of the hotel, the bike hire shop was just nearby. Oskar loved his battery powered one, but Carlo only had pedal power. We headed for the Nijo-jo castle built 1653, I walked and that made it easier to take photos on the way as there are so many little streets with so much to see. The cyclamens are totally amazing as per the photo below as are the phalanoepsis orchids, counted 5 flowering stalks on the one orchid and the flowers are extra large, must have some good Japanese food.
There are so many small temples in Kyoto, it would take weeks to see them all but when you pass one in the street its a good photo shot, loved the ancient shrine with a modern car parked right beside. Not quite visible in this photo
The boys were complaining that they didn't want to go the the Ninga castle but then they didn't want to leave. The interior paintings on the walls are beautiful, and signs tell how the guards in a room beside the visitors chamber could keep watch on the shogun. No photos allowed but I did buy some postcards of the art. The boards along the walkways creak, so no one could sneak in.
If you were trying to sneak in you would have had to climb the high stone walls and cross the moat, such workmanship in placing the rocks,
After walking around the gardens we were hungry, this time we headed to Diamaru market place, and had trouble choosing food from all the options available, we had inari, tempura, onigiri, crumbed potato skewers, sweet potato with a soy toffee and lemon sauce, this was Chris and my favourite, and doubled back for second helpings, when it was time to choose the sweet selection everyone had something different. Then it was time to take the bikes back and for me to walk back to the hotel. I had a quick look at Noumo Tailor (fabric shop) and decided Chris and I must return, on the way I had a coffee, nothing great but a coffee to satisfy my flat white craving, and back to the hotel. Then a short walk to Kyoto station to have another look at Big Camera, Alex loved some headphones, Chris found a Canon lens half the price of Australia,but both decided not to buy and the boys got a watch band to hold their iPod nano. We then had to find somewhere to eat, and from all the choices guess what, more Italian. This is the view from the restaurant of the tower which is closed for renovation. We had a great radicchio pizza, some pasta, and the usual mixed lettuce salad, caprese and of course tiramisu and chocolate cake.
After that it was a short walk back to the hotel ready for sleep and another adventure tomorrow.
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