JB's world

Jenny's pictures, travel stories and creative interests..

Monday, October 27, 2008

From Rainy Maine to NYC and ACT

My rock collection from Maine, mainly from Jasper beach

More rocks and beautiful coastline and then it started to pour rain, I missed a few great photos and decided to head back to NY and the rain was going to continue, I drove the fast highway back to Portland, just had time to drop off my car a day early and catch the bus to New York,

Had a week to finish off my shopping with the dollar slipping fast, then a good flight back to Sydney,

It was Oskars 4th birthday the day after I arrived home, he had a pirates party and this is Carlo with his hands in the spaghetti weeks trying to find an icecream token

Then a few days later Alex had his birthday

During my last minute New York shopping I found this Frida Kahlo fabric and made a bag, like jewellery how many is too many

I made a flying visit to Brisbane for St Andrews 50th celebration, was planning a leisurely drive up but had to change my plans.