Amazing Fiji
We had been to Pure Fiji for some shopping, Bullacino for a coffee with every other ex-pat in Suva, Diakoko for a quick lunch and then headed out of town. I found out what is better than a sunny day in Suva - my first trip to the mountains. Mountains of every shape where ever we looked, our car said we had reached 500m twice on our journey up and down At one of the high points we had a different view of the coast line with Beqa in the background as expected the road was pretty bad in parts, we even had to engage 4WD, didn't realise I had snapped myself in the rear vision mirror We stopped on the way to ask directions, no people in sight so we asked a cow grazing on the side of the road, but she only gave a blank stare at the strange people talking to her in non-cow language,that gave the boys a laugh, finally we did find a man to ask the way and when we arrived it was well worth the drive to Namosi falls We stopped for a swim on the way back at a bridge with lovely rocky pools and crystal clear, cold water, the boys decided they would try Nana's story that you can drink clear running and they had a taste. blogger won't let me put in more than 5 pictures, so I hope the description gives the picture and this one of the sun light was too good not to show the world. Sorry Chris you weren't with us, but now Alex knows the way he is anxious to explore further. We heard from a cyclists on the track that there are more waterfalls as you drive further and make a loop back to Suva.