Travels down Memory Lane
When you're not traveling, you can travel by taking a trip down memory lane, its easy to get lost in memories and not find your way through the maze of things from the past, but putting things down on paper puts them into perspective. Its 40 years since my father died, (and as I'm writing this and listening to my iPod, what song comes on 'Goodbye little darlin by Johnny Cash! so perhaps Milton is here somewhere looking on). It is nearly 5 years since Millie died and I'm getting a book together, so I've been busy scanning old photos. Here's some memories of me.
The proud parents.

I started at Berkeley Vale school just before my 5th birthday, it was a mile to the one Teacher school school, and this photo was taken in 1947, how do I remember, everyone s rugged up for cold weather and I left the school to go north in Feb 1948. I can still remember Marjorie Pepper the girl in the second row with the v neck cardigan, she had the most marvellous voice I had ever heard. As I write this other names keep popping into my head. I also had a few weeks at Gosford Primary school during 1947 when Millie had an operation, then I moved to Bowraville school for a couple of months, then the old Taylors Arm Public School, we caught the bus to school at 7.15 and walked the 2 miles home in the afternoon. Lucky they decided to move the school to Taylors Arm village, which meant a little more sleep in the morning.

It was the 7.15 bus to Mackville High School, and arriving home about 5, if the bus hadn't broken down which it often did. Don't know why they didn't get the photo right when they cut off Lynette Nash's hair, top row right side

Its hard to believe how modern I was with one of the first 'sack' dresses in Australia, made by Millie from a design I had seen in Vanity Fair.

What better way to add to your memories than to polish up your shell collection from all over the world. Some baby oil works wonders changing dull old shells to their natural colour.