Supermum's Birthday

We decided to have the weekend at Blue Lagoon to celebrate my important birthday. Its the place I celebrated my first Christmas.

The sandal didn't fit me, but it had been in the water so long it had grown barnacles and made an interesting photo shot, which would have been better if I had not had the shadow of the camera.

When I was a child we would walk to Bateau Bay and do our washing at the spring. The spring is still there but has been upgraded with a plastic bottle to form a spout. A person who was at the spring told me the water actually comes from Lithgow, what an amazing journey underground.

The rocks at the beach are smooth and at high tide are under water, but it was just like I remembered from the years we had spent camping for 6 weeks each year. We had a tent when I was young but now the the beach is a private resort with cabins.

Queen of the Beach