Leaving Brisbane
Had lunch with Bea Lemon as a break from packing and also went to the St Andrews reunion and caught up with other friends before my departure from Brisbane
Sold and now homeless
I loaded my car interior with all the things I needed to take to Canberra to my temporary home with Chris and Alex and loaded the boot with all the plants Mum had enjoyed which would survive the Canberra climate, it is surprising how many plants can fit in the boot when you take them out of the pots and shake off a lot of the dirt. The plants seem happy in their new home.
I just made it to Canberra in time for Carlo's first birthday party, the white chocolate mud cake was an absolute hit.
Just love the Flannel Flowers I bought at the Farmers Market they have lasted over 2 weeks also enjoying the cherries and stone fruits fresh from the growers. This year I have eaten cherries in Ireland, Stockholm, Michigan, New York and now here. LG.
Where next? India for Christmas and New Year and then back to the US on 19 January for 2 months.