Its hot, its cold, its you know where
Nina asked me to go to Camp Speers Eljabar with her school. It was cold and our bus broke down, it was snowing outside as we waited. They loaded all the children from our bus into the other three buses and the adults went with other parents. When we finally arrived at the camp the weather had cleared but still cold. Our cabins were heated. The camp is in a great location in PA. A glacier had been through the area thousands of years ago and left interesting rocks and lakes. I was the only grandparent and also because I had come from Australia I was given a Tshirt. I watched Nina climb the rock tower and ring the bell. I was team mum to three boys doing the confidence course (walking tight wire ropes) and thoroughly enjoyed watching the archery, helping with pond studies and walking the nature walk.
Now the weather is warming up, the streets are lined with blossoms and the magnolias are a sight to see. I have eaten Middle Eastern at Moustache in Greenwich Village, turkish at Zaytoons on Smith Street, Sullivan Street potato pizza, rice to riches sweet rice treats, Chinese vegetarian and of course great food at home. There are still a thousand delights to be sampled in this great city