Baby Carlo

We waited and waited, counting the days overdue and got up to 13, Chris and Alex went to the hospital at 10pm, (she only just made it last time) and Carlo was born at 1.30am on 3 Nov, weight 3.6kg and 52.5cm tall. The longest legs I've ever seen, he is in the 90 percentile for height and even has his Nana's longer second toe. He is a Number 4 with excellent name numbers. Check out if you wish to know the meaning of your name and birthdate.
Alex is already planning Carlo's soccer position and contiues to train Oskar as well. I now have 5 grandchildren, 3 boys and 2 girls and that will be the final number.
I love the photo of Oskar wrapped up after his shower as he prepares for bed.
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