Millies 90th

Photo 1 is Mum Milton and I and grandchildren, Photo 2 is Mum, me and my girls. Mum didn't want a big party, and when you get to 90 most of your friends are on the other side. We had two small parties, one was high tea in Brisbane with all my children, and grandchildren Oskar and Ben, on her actual birthday 4th October. Laurice had flown in from New York and Chris and Oskar had flown up from Canberra. Chris even brought her delivery in case she went into early labour. We made an 'I'm 90 brooch' and that alerted everyone to congratulate her, someone even did a sketch of her while she wss with Jan having a coffee before the high tea.
The second party at the Gold Coast could have ended in disaster when Mum was hurrying into her grandsons house, to show her famous I'm 90 brooch and did't see a small step. She landed flat on her face with blood everywhere. Fortunately no broken bones, but photos to remember with a black eye and nose. We had arranged for some surprise quests from Gosford. Merril and Grant flew up for the day, Their Mother was especially fond of Mum. Geoff and Barbara, mums sister's last surviving child and his wife, also came. Mum always said she wanted to live longer than her grandmother who died at 82, Mum has certainly raised the age for her grandchildren if they want to live longer than her.
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