Brisbane Canberra
It was school holidays in Fiji and Chris was in Brisbane but had work to do in Canberra, so I brought the boys back from Fiji with me, with bribes to ensure good behaviour on the plane, Chris met us in Brisbane and we had a couple of family days, and then we all went off to Canberra
It wouldn't be a visit to Canberra without a day at Questacom. Oskar did the maximum jumps with zero gravity, wish I could have been quicker with my finger on the camera to catch the leap. Carlo was tall enough to jump but not old enough, so next time it will be his turn
Its only a camera trick with mirrors, but I guess it described how I felt at the end of a day at Questacom. The boys were well behaved but how many times does one have to watch them sitting pretending to fly a plane
After the hot of Fiji, it was a bit of a shock to have cooler weather, but seeing the trees changing colour reminds me that it will only get colder in Canberra. At the park we were entertained by the drummers sitting in the middle of the picture.
The boys are at home anywhere, and what better to use up there energy but tie at the 'underground park'
It was an early start to get the 6am plane back to Brisbane, and a visit to the markets, Chris took the boys back to Fiji and I had some time catching up with friends.
watch for my next destination, no prize for guessing where.
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