Exploring in January
Had to do some exploring when I found a photo of London Bridge at the Canberra Tourist Information office. A short drive past Queanbeyan and a short walk into a park and I was there. It would have been better if the reeds had been cleaned up and there was more water in the creek, but still an amazing site.
We took a quick trip to the Snowy Mountains,in the summer. Was fascinated by the Yarrongobilly caves on the road from Adaminaby to Tumut, don't miss them if you are ever going that way. We took the self directed cave tour and marvelled at the rock formations.
After the caves we drove to the parking lot for the Thermal Springs. A long walk down the mountainside and a longer walk back up to the parking lot, but worth the effort to swim in the 25 c water gushing out from underground.
We stopped the night in Tumut and detoured to the Hume and Hovell track which now has a bridge where they crossed the river. We came back through the forests to Canberra. This is an area I would love to visit again.
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